Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Would Love to be Like Him when I Am in My 80's

This gem comes from Cichorei Kano from Judo Forum:

"There are very few judo sensei still alive today who were active an participated in the Kosen era, and who specialized in newaza hence becoming through newaza wizards. Below, you find a rare clip featuring Matsumura-sensei, 8th dan Kodokan. Matsumura is a retired sensei in his 80s who still shows up in the evening at Kodokan sharing his newaza wizardry with a handful of enthusiast followers. His hands and feet are more like claws than hands of feet and his flexibility and efficacy in newaza are mindblowing. These sensei were the predecessors of later newaza greats like Kashiwazaki-sensei."

Shochugeiko newaza lesson from Matt on Vimeo.

Newaza lesson 1 from Matt on Vimeo.

newaza lesson 2 from Matt on Vimeo.

Newaza lesson 3 from Matt on Vimeo.

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