Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Seminars: Year One (Roy Dean) Extended Review

First up before beginning the review I would like to thank Roy Dean for his superior customer service and a very top notch BJJ instruction compilation.

It takes me a bit of time to digest things I see on video, so I will review this DVD section by section.

I will start with Roy Harris Seminar on the open guard. First I think a little background is in order: I had purchased other BJJ instructionals and found many of them lacking in the detail that I require to learn. Most of these tend to be “When he does this you do this..” and this approach does not work well for me since I pay attention to the details and the concept and once I master it then I implement and improvise. I discovered Roy Harris’ on Youtube and really liked the way he showed all the details of the techniques. So I purchased Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Over 40 and have really started to get really good results with it (Review will be coming soon).

When I saw the Roy Dean DVD and saw that Roy Harris teaches the open guard then I decided to buy it since my weakness is with the open guard and I wanted to shore that up. Also I saw his open guard seminar in Poland and that sealed the deal so I bought it and boy am I glad I did!

The following is an outline of the topics covered by Roy Harris in this Open Guard seminar at the Roy Dean Academy:

I. Pushes to defend against the pass
1. Hand on the jaw and neck
2. Hand cupping the bicep/tricep and pushing the elbow
3. Forearm in the arm pit (if you lose the hand on the jaw)

II. Pushes with the feet
1. Push bicep at the crook of the elbow
2. Push hip
3. Push the outside or inside of the knee (sweep)

III. Put the defensive pushes of hands and feet together

IV. Pushes with Knee/foreleg
1. Push the shoulder
2. Top of the chest
3. The hip

V. Grips- Offense
1. Sleeve (or wrist if no gi)
2. Sleeve and elbow (or tricep if no gi)
3. Grip the lapel at the clavicle

VI. Put the offensive pulls with the grips and pushes with the feet and knees together.

VII. Hooks
1. Inside the knee
2. Outside the knee
3. The hip

He then goes on to say that this is the extreme basics of his open guard game and make up 90% of his game in various combinations.

He also goes into some really interesting yet efficient defenses for common guard passes.

After watching this part of the DVD twice I was able to noticeably improve my reactions when I was playing open guard and I am sure that with more study and practice I will put it all together.

If this review sold you on buying Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Seminars: Year One you can purchase it direct from Roy Dean at or at Budo Videos. If not yet then stay tuned since I will review the rest of this DVD as I go along.

Below is Roy Harris’ Open Guard Seminar in Poland


E-Journal of Jujutsu from Roy Dean

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